
All trees for survival team getting ready to plant saplings in the open!



  • School starts at 8:55 am and finishes at 3 pm
  • Students need to be on time for School each day.  If your child is late they must come to the Office Reception to sign in and go straight to class (learning time has already begun)
  • Students need to be at School each day unless sick.  If your child is absent, call the Office, leave a message, or enter your child’s absence on the ‘Contact Us’ Tab of our website, or email the teacher


  • Fortnightly, on a Friday 12 pm in the Hall.  You’re welcome to join us! 
  • We celebrate learning, share school wide activities, announce winning Whānau House points and award TPS Values Certificates

Breakfast Club:

  • Join some social fun and free breakfast in the Hall 8:10 am – 8:40 am 

Concerns, class or School queries:

  • See your child’s teacher in the first instance.  Please do not delay  
  • You’re welcome to visit, call or email the teacher
  • At times your child’s teacher may need to meet with you and the Team Leader
  • If the matter is not resolved, then you may like to see the DP or Principal. Please do not delay 
  • Any other concerns, see the Principal directly.  Please do not delay

Drop off / Pick up:

  • If you need to collect your child earlier for an appointment, call the Office in advance and collect your child by 1 pm
  • Safely park on Tripoli and Benghazi Rd and/or surrounding streets
  • For everyone’s safety, please do not park or drop off through Alamein Rd gate (this is for staff parking, our Sommerville Unit taxis/cars/vans need safe access to the turning bay)
  • Please do not park on Sommerville School grass verge opposite TPS basketball court (it is unsafe for Sommerville staff and their taxis/cars/vans)
  • Parents/caregivers please wait outside until home time, so that teachers and students can finish off their end of day routines. Please do not go to classrooms to collect your child before 3 pm 


  • Visit or call the Office first and we’ll help you enrol your child. See our ‘Enrolment’ page on our Website 
  • The Principal meets with new students, parents/whānau before enrolment and to confirm class placement

Food/Drink/Free healthy lunches:

  • We are a Health Promoting and Wastewise School (with recycling and composting systems in place)
  • Free lunch each day. Any dietary change, please contact Mrs Sharma (DP)
  • Please keep sweets and convenience packaged foods at home
  • ‘Pack in, Pack out’ means any food packaging brought to School, goes home with the student
  • Water only bottle each day (no fizzy, juice)

Notices, Newsletters/Pānui:

  • Paper copies to the eldest/only child (Friday fortnightly)
  • School website (our main online communication)
  • School Facebook page for celebration, includes links to the main Newsletter or reminder notices

School Policies:

  • TPS Policies info link is on our School Website.  Click on ‘Our School’ then ‘Policies’
  • Any queries or concerns please visit, speak with/contact the Principal first.  Please do not delay

Uniform, stationery & devices:

  • Eftpos or Internet banking only.  Please ask to speak with/see the Finance Administrator in the Office
  • Uniform is compulsory and worn each day.  Uniform can be purchased at the School Office.  Speak with/see the Finance Administrator
  • We are a Sunsmart School and students wear hats in Term 1 and Term 4
  • TPS stationery can be bought from Warehouse Stationery Lunn Ave and Sylvia Park (ask for the TPS year level lists and at the School Office too)
  • No student cell phones at School.  If your child needs a cell phone, let the teacher know first.  Phones are put in the Office as soon as the student arrives at School and collected after School
  • Devices – we provide a TPS device (iPad or Chromebook) for each student, these are used for learning at School. Tamariki do not need to buy/bring their own

Walking to School:

  • We are a Travelwise School and encourage students to walk to school – it’s great exercise!
  • Safely use the paths and Tripoli Rd pedestrian crossing (8:30 – 8:55 am; 3:00 – 3:15 pm) and Benghazi Rd
  • If walking on Alamein Rd, walk through the pedestrian gate, on the path, over the little wooden bridge and stop before walking on the mini Zebra crossing
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