
All trees for survival team getting ready to plant saplings in the open!


Kia ora, Mālō e lelei, Talofa lava, Kia orana, Fakaalofa atu, bula vinaka, Kamusta, Ayubowan, Salam 

We welcome your interest in enrolling your child(ren) at our awesome School

To enrol your child:  

–  visit or call the School Office and we’ll help you

–  parents/whānau & your child meet with the Principal; and with Whaea Lee if requesting entry to Te Puna Wairua; and with Mrs Tafea if requesting entry to Talamuka-‘a-Tonga

–  uniform is compulsory, including a School hat in Term 1 and Term 4 (bought at our Office)

–  we have free black shoes, black socks and a blue winter jacket is worn in T2 and T3

–  stationery can be bought from Warehouse Stationery on Lunn Ave or at Sylvia Park (ask for the Tāmaki Primary School lists or ask for a list from the Office)

–  enjoy our free yummy, healthy lunch each day and free breakfast 

–  water only – bring a water bottle

The Principal |Tumuaki, looks forward to meeting you! Nau mai, haere mai!


**The Board has adopted the Ministry of Education’s new Enrolment Scheme for Tāmaki Primary School, effective 1 January 2022. 

Please click below to read about entry criteria, including for our Rumaki Te Puna Wairua and Tongan Bilingual Class Talamuka-‘a-Tonga:

Tāmaki Primary School Zoning Written Description_Nov 2021.pdf

Tāmaki Primary School ES Confirmed Zoning Map Nov 2021.jpg

Ngā manaakitanga,

Tāmaki Primary School Board

Tamaki Primary School - Logo