
All trees for survival team getting ready to plant saplings in the open!

Strategic Plan

TPS 1526 Strategic & Annual Plan Dec 2024.pdf

We value learning-focussed relationships in a positive learning-focussed culture.

VISION: Whāia te ara tika | Pursue the right path

VALUES:  review began 2021, finalised essence statements & updated School Wide Positive Culture for Learning (PC4L) Matrix in 2022

Our Values are:


Our LOGO: you will see significant historical local landmarks – ngā tohu o te rohe:  Maungarei (Mt Wellington), Te Waimokoia (leads out to Te wai o Taiki – Tāmaki river), Tamanui-te-Rā (the sun) rising in the East.

Our 2023 STRATEGIC PLAN includes the:

–  Vision and Values

–  Strategic Goals and Annual Plan Goals

–  Annual Initiatives and Improvement targets/priorities

School wide self review including feedback from parents/whānau informs the Strategic Plan.  Thank you parents & whanau for your feedback end of 2021 and T3, T4 2022.

Tāmaki Primary School 2023 Strategic Plan.pdf


The Ministry of Education (MoE) have changed the Strategic Planning and Reporting framework, which is due to Schools later in 2023.  Schools’ planning and reporting remains the same until then.

NELPs are the Government’s National Education Learning Priorities which become part of and reflected in the School’s Strategic Plan.  These are:

Objective 1: Learners at the centre – Learners with their whānau are at the centre of education

Objective 2: Barrier-free access – Great education opportunities and outcomes are within reach for every learner

Objective 3: Quality teaching and leadership – Quality teaching and leadership make the difference for learners and their whānau

Objective 4: Future of learning and work – Learning that is relevant to the lives of New Zealanders today and throughout their lives

Objective 5: World-class inclusive public education – New Zealand education is trusted and sustainable


Tamaki Primary School - Logo